So, you’re thinking that maybe it’s time to take a hard look at your website. It is always a good practice when you consider how important it is as a marketing and communication tool.
Last week, we shared some thoughts about the public-facing side, where copy, design and other content work together to create a compelling user journey. But there are also some more technical, behind the scenes issues you should consider as well:
1. High bounce rate
Google Analytics defines “bounce rate” as the percentage of single-page visitors to your site. In other words, it’s the percentage of people who come to your site and only visit the first page they land on. Instead of clicking through to another page, visitors can’t find what they were looking for, aren’t interested in learning more, or find your webpage too slow or difficult to use.
If your Analytics account scores your bounce rate consistently at more than 60%, that’s going to be an issue. Don’t have Google Analytics on your site? Well, that too is a problem, because you’re missing a ton of important data.
2. Slow page load speeds
The spinning wheel of wait causes frustration for visitors who expect your site to load quickly, whether on a desktop, laptop, table and phone. It’s even worse when it happens as they move from page to page within the site or when the images that are part of the page load slower than the text. Beyond irritation for the user, slow page loads will also negatively affect your search rankings as Google prioritizes it when determining who gets to the top of the search results.
3. Poor conversion rates
If, as we talked about last week, you have a goal for your website, it will include a call to action. If you’re not getting the results you need, then you need to consider if it is the website itself that is preventing visitors from meeting that goal (making contact with you, or making a purchase or downloading resources, etc). Like any other asset you have, the ROI from your website is absolutely vital.
4. Your site isn’t responsive to different devices
More than 80% of internet users use mobile devices to search the web. Does your site accommodate them? Or does your website force visitors to see a reflection of your desktop site, with excessive scrolling and content that doesn’t fit the screen? When designing a new site, start with a mobile design and build the desktop version out from that.
5. It’s not compatible with the latest technology
Many websites are built on open-source content management systems like WordPress. They make use of plug-ins and other software that are designed to work together. But as these different pieces get updated, new versions may not work as well with the rest of the website. Outdated plug-ins can also be security risk. Trying to keep everything working is akin to playing Whack-a-Mole – as soon as you get one done, another pops up. Each needs to be continually updated to ensure the best performance and user experience.
Yes, there is a lot that should be considered when thinking about a site rebuild. But whether you confused or excited about moving forward, Blueprint has the experience and expertise to help you walk through the process. Contact us to learn more about getting the most out of your existing site, or if it’s time to start working on something new.